Australian Counselling Research Journal (ACRJ)
ACRJ is a peer-reviewed international online journal, dedicated to high quality research in counselling and psychotherapy. It promotes practitioner-driven quality research informing practitioners and educators, from all mental-health fields including counselling, psychotherapy, psychology, social work, and education, about contemporary primary mental health practice. Contributions related to indigenous issues of other cultures, will be particularly welcome. These articles may highlight how the cultural context shapes practice, client experiences, types of interventions and other factors that are of interest to the profession of counselling and psychotherapy.
ACRJ is also an avenue for current Masters of Counselling and PhD students to showcase their research projects, including a reflection of their experiences.
Contributions will include practice, research, interventions, trends, and reflections. Each issue will have a section dedicated to indigenous issues.
ACRJ is the official research publication of the Australian Counselling Association, and is listed with the Australian Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST). ISSN: 1832-1135
NOTE: The name of ACRJ replaces Counselling Psychotherapy and Health (CPH) online journal. Past editions of this journal will still be available online.